Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My new favorite food - Ethiopian!!

Yesterday I had the best dinner - both food and atmosphere, at Addis in Dar. It is Ethiopian food, which is sort of similar to Indian food. You eat various gravies with a fermented (it is good, just risen) pancake. Pair that with delicious honey wine and top it off with delicious spiced coffee and popcorn. Yum, yum - I will be looking for an Ethiopian Restaurant ASAP when I return.


Judy S. said...

Spiced coffee and popcorn? That's an interesting combination. Could you figure out what the spice is?

heather said...

Hey Cath! WOW! What an amazing adventure you are having -- and quite cultural on all levels I see! Glad you are finding the cuisine enjoyable (as compared from other visits...) We miss you here! It is FINALLY sunny here - off to a walk to Pike Place. Be safe and see you next week! xx

jane said...

I am enjoying visiting your blog. What interesting places and people you are meeting. Plan to visit Jill in Chicago this June and hope you might be there, too. Love, Auntie Jane