Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Pictures from a day in the field!

Yesterday we went out to the field to observe the operations of the MFI we are working with. I saw these cute kids coming from school and had to take a picture! After I took this I showed them their picture on my camera and they just loved it, I don't think they have seen a digital camera before.

We met with borrowers that had businesses ranging from a hair salon to chair rentals to chicken broilers (I never thought I would see a small room with 1000 - not exagerating- chickens!


Judy S. said...

Great photos, Catherine!

jane said...

What an amazing experience you are having. Thanks for sharing. Have a safe trip home. Jane

heather said...

you're on your final trek before you come home!! :) Can't wait to see you!! Sad about your driver - but it's true about the health there - it's the wors in the world. hopefully you can help via your microfinace efforts! xx see you soon hottay!!